Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 3: Community Baboon Sanctuary, Foster Studios, and The Belize Zoo

Hello everyone! Today, half of the group toured the Community Baboon Sanctuary - a community organized Black Howler monkey reserve. The monkeys - including a couple of babies - came in close proximity of us. :)  Here are some of the highlights:

The Community "Baboon" (local name for black howler monkey) sanctuary

Bullhorn acacia - a symbiotic relationship demonstration by CBS guide, Geraldine

CBS guide (Robert) luring the howlers so we can take a closer look

The other half of the group spent the day shooting footage on the Foster's wildlife sets. After a swim break in the afternoon at the beautiful Sibun river and then dinner back at the TEC, the groups went to The Belize Zoo on a night tour and to the Fosters to spend an hour or so at the opossum and bat sets. A warm, but active and rewarding day...!

Our swim hole, Tiger Sands beach at Sibun River

Mariah, Julian, and Savannah (with boa) during the night tour of the Zoo

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